Special Bonus for the Next 2 Hours:
And for the first time ever? I'm throwing in a 1:1 coaching call with ME if you sign up within the next two hours.Â
Sign up, take the course-- and when you finish the course? You'll get a free 1:1 coaching call with me to tie up any loose ends.
Get your FREE Coaching CallDoes this sound familiar?
You tell yourself over and over again that you'll start investing... someday.
But that someday hasn't come yet, has it.
More important things just keep getting in the way, so learning how to invest? That just keeps getting pushed off, because, isn’t that complicated anyway? How could you possibly learn something so huge that seems so unattainable for the 99% of the world that doesn’t work on Wall Street?Â
So down the road the can gets kicked.

Well, what if next year could be now?
Imagine a world where you have ultimate time freedom because your investments are working so hard for you, they fund your life. You no longer have to work for money because you’ve made some smart decisions that led you to financial independence.Â
Imagine having endless options. The option on how you want to spend your time. The option to travel whenever the heck you want. The option on what kind of work you want to do. The option of where to live and who to spend your time with.
Imagine feeling so financially confident that you could take a break from working or tell that toxic job to screw off because you’ve got FU money saved.
Imagine being able to hold your own when a financial advisor tries to convince you to buy an investment product you don’t need.
Imagine never worrying about your financial future again.
Feels pretty good, right?
Now imagine...Â
Your money is working for you.
Every dollar is being put to use.
You're building wealth on auto-pilot, and honestly? It was easy af to get those systems in place.
Listen, I get it.
We're all busy.Â
We're working demanding careers, running our own businesses and side-hustles while also taking care of a household, whether that's a household with dogs (holla!) or a household with kids and a partner.Â
We've got meals to prep, bodies to take to the gym, zzz's to catch, and Friday night plans to cancel.
We’re all busy and the last thing most of us need is a complicated plan on how to get our money working for us.
We need easy.
We need fast.
We need efficient.
And we need set it and forget it.

Why I Created this Course for You
Want to know why I created this course and who it's for? Check out this video to hear from me AND some real life lazy investor students.
I wanna get lazy too!You've seen other investing courses...
and something doesn't feel quite right.
I mean-- do you really need PE ratios, technical analysis, and all the nuts and bolts that would qualify you for a dang CFP?
Probs not, right?
Time to Get LazyYou need the down and dirty...
So you can get started right away, without ever questioning your decisions.
Let's get compounding.

I know how scary it can be...Â
to realize that no one is coming to save you. Not our government, not a prince in shining armor, not a hefty inheritance (that I know of). I had to come to several of those realizations in my own life:
- Realizing it was up to me to get out of $70k of debtÂ
- Realizing it was up to me to get out of a financially draining relationship
- Realizing it was up to me, and only me, to prepare for my future
- Realizing no one was coming to save me
We have to be our own saviors when it comes to our futures. So you ready to do this for yourself?
Let's get it.If you're finally ready to...
- Secure your own future
- Start investing to build wealth
- Stop questioning your financial decisions
- Feel confident that your money is working for you
- Overcome any mental blocks that are holding you back from getting that bag
- Feel at peace with your financial future
- Work toward time freedom and unlimited options
...without feeling like you need to get a PhD in Finance… then it’s time to get lazy so that you can set your wealth building engine on autopilot, and get compounding in less than 30 days.
This is why I created The Lazy Investor's Course.
What I teach in The Lazy Investor's Course is not only everything you need to get started right away, but it's effective AF. In fact, the method I teach is the same method that consistently outperforms the majority of actively managed portfolios, aka the portfolios that are managed by Ivy league grads who went to school to learn how to beat the market.
Pretty cool, right?
Who knew being lazy was such a good thing.

The Lazy Investor's Course will teach you:Â
The key information you need to get started with investing immediately
None of the BS that you don’t need to know like technical analysis and options trading
How to build wealth in a way that is easy, effective, and automated
How to pick investments without spending hours upon hours monitoring stocks and researching companies
 The only course you’ll need to create an effective system that creates wealth for you
Join now.
Kait Silva
"Clo Bare's course was so immensely helpful! From learning basic terminology that used to make my head spin, better understanding risk levels and my own risk preference, and the "how" of investing or starting a retirement account, I learned so much! I can't wait until the next class! I feel more confident as my hubby and I embark on our investing journey. Can I also just say that I love how helpful and personable she is!"

"Working with Clo Bare has helped me so much!! Before attending sessions with her I didn't have a budget, so I had no clue what was coming in or going out and I was honestly terrified to look.
And now that we've been working together, I'm no longer afraid, I've started saving (YAY!) and I understand the trade-offs I need to make to have the life I want.
She's straightforward and realistic while being fun and kind and she holds your hand just when you need it.
I have literally referred everyone I know to her because working with her has changed my life so much. So happy I found her."

"Even if you don’t know anything about investing, Chloe will explain complex terms or concepts in simple language and YES ask questions - this is a two way street and not something where you just sit and listen."
Meet Your Coach: Chloé Daniels
Hey, Fam. I’m Chloé, but you can call me Clo.
I was able to increase my net worth by $200k in 2.5 years.
And let me tell you-- when I started? I had NO idea what I was doing in the investing space. In fact-- I spent the first couple of years of my financial independence journey focusing on becoming debt free.
Until one day-- it hit me.
I didn’t want to just be debt free-- I wanted to be wealthy.
And the only way to do that? I knew I had to invest.
But I was scared too. Like so scared I decided to let someone else do it for me for a while, until I felt confident enough to do it myself.
Fast forward to now? I’m 30 years old with a multi-six-figure investment portfolio, despite having had less than $10k in my 401k just a few years ago, and guess what?
I’m not special.
I WANT IN!What I did wasn’t complicated.
It wasn’t extreme. And it is super replicable, which is why I created this course and started coaching folks.
Now, in the last year, I’ve coached hundreds on how to money, and invest the lazy way. My goal as a coach, with all my clients, is to get you to the place where you don’t need me anymore.
Because I want you to feel capable and confident in managing your own money-- without me. At the end of the day, no one is going to care more about your money than you do. Not your financial advisor, not your mom, not your partner.
Featured On

Look Inside The Lazy Investor's Course

Module #1: The Set Up
I want you to succeed at investing, and one way to make sure you do? We gotta talk about YOU and get the basics of your money and your mindset covered BEFORE we dive into investing. We'll cover budgeting, addressing your money mindset, what you need before you start and goal setting.
What You'll Get:
- 2 spending plan templates
- Goal Setting Cheat Sheets
- Your Magic "How much should I invest a month" Number
- Retirement Calculator Tutorials

Module #2:Â Investor Type
In order to teach you how to invest, you need to know what kind of investor you are. We'll cover your risk preference, time horizon, and how hands on you want to be. This will help you determine your strategy, how you invest, and what you invest in.Â
What You’ll Get:
- Learn exactly what type of investor you are
- Understand how this will impact your investing decisions
- Cheat sheet on your investing type

Module #3: The Basics
Let’s get down to business. In this module, we’ll talk about the importance of investing, whether or not you should invest while paying for debt, investing myths, the performance of the stock market, why most investors fail (but not you), why crashes aren’t as scary as you think, compound interest, and all the basic terms you need to know.
What You’ll Get:
- Investing terms cheat sheet
- Blueprint of a successful investorÂ
- Debt Reduction Calculator

This is the module you’ve been dying to get to. “But, Clo Bare-- WTF do I invest in???” This is the module, fam. We will cover all the different types of investments, the pros and cons of each, and by the end? You should have a PRETTY clear idea on what you want to start investing in. I’ll also show you how to analyze different investments on your own. Woo!
What You’ll Get:
Cheat Sheet for Investment Types
Fund Analysis Blueprint
Real Life Tutorials on How to Analyze an Investment

Module #5: Mastering the Accounts
WTF is a Roth IRA or a TFSA or a taxable brokerage? DO I NEED AN HSA? In this lesson, we’ll clear up any confusion around the basic investing accounts in the US and Canada. We’ll also talk about fees, taxes, different brokerages, robo advisors, and so much more. We'll also talk about how to access your retirement early if you're a FIRE pursuer.
What You’ll Get:
- Understand the accounts and which account to use when
- Cheat sheet breaking down different accounts
- Step By Step Tutorials on HOW to open an account

Module #6:Â Allocation Strategies AKA How Much to Put in Each
Okay now that you know WHICH investments to buy, how do you determine how much of each to buy? So glad you asked.Allocation strategies! Here we’ll go over SEVERAL allocation examples, talk rebalancing, and I’ll also give you a peak into my own investment portfolio.
What You’ll Get:
- Cheat sheet of Allocation Portfolio Examples
- REAL Look inside my portfolio
- Allocation and Rebalance Worksheet

Module #7:Â What to Do Now-- Putting It All Together
Phew-- that was a lot?
Now what?
How do we put this all together so we can be lazy and let our money do the work for us?
Let’s talk about what’s next, how to automate, and key reminders as you go off into the investing world all on your own.
What You’ll Get:
- Step by Step Guide on What’s Next
- An Index Fund Cheat Sheet with Index Funds from Fidelity and Vanguard
- Automation Tips
Special Bonus for the Next 2 Hours:
And for the first time ever? I'm throwing in a 1:1 coaching call with ME if you sign up within the next two hours.Â
Sign up, take the course-- and when you finish the course? You'll get a free 1:1 coaching call with me to tie up any loose ends.
Get your FREE Coaching CallAnd just like that...
With seven modules of jam-packed info, we are off to the races in 30 days or less.Â
This course can be complete in the same amount of time it takes you to binge watch a season of "You".Â
But like, should we really stop there?
 I want to provide you with as much value as possible-- so let’s continue this fun, shall we?
On to the over-delivering!
Meet Taylor:
A Lazy Investor
Taylor was one of the FIRST Lazy Investors! Check out what she thought about the course in this video.Â
In less than 30 days she's:
- Fired her financial advisor
- Transferred her account to a new low-cost brokerage where she is paying NO fees for having the account
- Invested more than $50k
- Tax-optimized her investment options
- Can analyze investments ALL on her own
- And is paying 0.015% in fees on her index fund investments instead of 1%! That could mean the a potential difference of up to $2.2 million if investing for 40 years.Â
Want to get in on some of this action?
I got you.
Let's do this.Limited Time Only Bonuses:Â
Bonus #1: How to Retire Early
In this, we’ll talk about how to calculate your retire early number and I’ll also share some key tools for you to make retiring early a reality.
Bonus #2: Negotiations and Job Hunts
One of the BIGGEST parts of my journey was increasing my income. I increased my income from $42k a year to $190k+ a year in SIX years. In that time I got six promotions as well. Here I’ll tell you exactly how I did it and give you a script for how to negotiate better.
Bonus #3: Money and Mental Health
You all know me-- we can’t talk about money without talking about mental health. Let’s cover some tips on how to manage both.
Bonus #4: Mini Course- Investing for Your Kids
One of the most common questions I get about investing is-- how do I invest for my kids? In this bonus video we’ll talk about your options so you can decide what’s best for you! This bonus includes UTMAs/UGMAs, Custodial Roth IRAs, 529 Plans, a bonus training from Kids Money Academy on How to Open a Roth IRA for Kids (and hire them too!), and a training from Better Wallet on how to select a 529 for your kid!Â
Bonus #5: Retirement for the Self-Employed
NEW! Retirement Accounts for the Self-Employed! When you're on a self-employed journey, how do you know which accounts to use?? In this bonus we break down the SEP IRA, Solo 401k, and SIMPLE IRA.Â
Bonus #6: Travel Hacking with Aunt Kara
NEW! Want to learn how to travel hack? Learn from the woman who has travel hacked $90k worth of FREE travel!Â
Bonus #7: Love and Money
Struggling with managing money with a partner? We've added a mini-course featuring Decoding Couples, two licensed marriage and couples therapists, who will walk us through steps on how to better communicate and manage money as a team.
And of course that's not all...Â
Live Coaching 2x a Month & Special Guest Experts
One of my favorite things about what I do is meeting you all. So I couldn’t have a course and NOT get some face time with you.
When you purchase this course you get three months of group coaching calls, 2x a month! It’ll be an opportunity to get your questions answered by an expert, and if you can’t attend?
You’ll get all the recordings inside the course.
Even better?
I have my expert friends come in to teach lessons on their area of expertise, including Marc from BetterWallet teaching us about 529 accounts, Meg Wheeler giving tax education for small businesses, Meggie Palmer, founder of PepTalkHer talking about negotiations, and Aunt Kara giving travel hacking 101 lessons!
Meet Cassie:
A Lazy Investor
"With you, I didn't feel like I needed a degree in finance just to understand the course." Meet Cassie-- a new lazy investor! Before taking the Lazy Investor's Course, Cassie was using a financial advisor who ended up firing her because she asked questions! Turns out-- there were a few problems to how he was investing her money-- $22k was sitting in cash because he wasn't reinvesting her dividends (a $4 million mistake!)!Â
In less than 60 days she's:
- Stopped paying a 2% annual management fee which means she would've lost 34% of her retirement to fees after 35 years, saving her nearly $400k
- Implemented a backdoor Roth IRA
- Stopped hoarding cash and started making that money work for her
- Realized she's on track to retire early at 45 years old
- She invested $50k in 1 year!

"After the class, I felt more confident to take the next steps I've been avoiding because I was fearful that I didn't fully understand what I was doing. Now, I am excited to start investing."

"Chloe is extremely knowledgeable. Down to earth and fun! She makes investing interesting and easy to understand!"

"Clo Bare is incredibly knowledgeable on the topic of investing. Her approach and communication was very clear, understandable and engaging. I learned a lot!"

"I have taken a few courses for investing and you were very thorough in your explanations. The world of investing is daunting as there’s so much and so many things to look out for but you cleared confusion for me personally. Thank you for this!"

"Chloe was able to explain investing in a way that was easy to understand. She answered questions from participants in a way that was helpful, informative, and not judgmental. I would definitely take another course from her and recommend her courses to friends and family!"

"Loved finding out more about investing and what type of investor I am. Also, now I know what types of investments to make if I want to be more aggressive. Clo Bare is very knowledgeable and helped show you sites you could get started on and discussed the importance of investing!"
Made it this far and still have reservations?
Let's talk about it.
"I can learn this on my own for free."
"I don't have time to do this."
"What if it's a scam??"

Is the Lazy Investor's Course right for you?
This course is for you if:
- You want to invest but you don’t want to make it complicated
- You appreciate a goofball of a teacher who likes making complicated and boring topics fun, applicable and easy to understand
- You’re ready to put in the effort to complete the course
- And you’re ready af to start building wealth
This course is not for you if:
- You want to day trade stocks
- You want to learn how to buy options or trade forex
- You want someone to manage your money for you
But what happens if you wait?
Still not convinced?
What happens if you wait a little bit longer.
Let’s fast forward a few years. Say-- five years out?
Let’s say during that time if you had purchased the Lazy Investor’s Course NOW, you started investing $500 a month-- confidently, easily, and, of course, lazy and efficient.
That money could’ve turned into $37k in five years, even though you only contributed $30k, and you’d be set up to have $2.6 million in 40 years.
Now let’s say you waited, and instead of having 40 years to invest you only have 35 years to invest when you finally do.
That means instead of having $2.6 million invested, you’d have $1.6 million.
Do you really want to lose out on that extra million?
The best time to start investing was yesterday. Second best time? Now.

30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee
And listen-- I get it. Buying a course is scary.
And that’s why I want to make it easier for you to invest in yourself.
If you try the course and realize it’s not for you after trying out the first four modules? You’ll get a full-refund if you cancel within 30-days of ordering. But I want you to at least try those four modules. You owe it to yourself.

Special Bonus for the Next 2 Hours:
And for the first time ever? I'm throwing in a 1:1 coaching call with ME if you sign up within the next two hours.Â
Sign up, take the course-- and when you finish the course? You'll get a free 1:1 coaching call with me to tie up any loose ends.
Get your FREE Coaching CallThe Lazy Investor's Course FAQs
What if I purchase and realize it's not right for me?
How’s the Lazy Investor's Course different from other investing courses?
How long will it take me to complete the course?
Is this good for beginners?
How long do I have access to the Lazy Investor's Course??
Couldn't I learn this all myself?
Is this for US investors only?

Disclaimer: Any information presented is not investment advice. I am not a financial advisor and this information is for educational purposes only.
Nothing on this page, any of our associated websites, social media properties, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of future earnings or results. We always recommend using caution and consulting your accountant, lawyer, or professional financial advisor before making any investment decision or before acting on this or any other business or financial information. Basically: talk to professionals before you start investing, recognize that all investments come with an inherent risk, and we don’t guarantee results. Pretty straightforward, right?
Please note lifetime access also refers to as long as the course is in existence. Â
Need more info? Check out my terms and conditions here and our privacy policy here.